Privacy policy of LoopLabb B.V.

We keep your private information private

We make every effort to keep your data private. When you place an order with us, we have to share some of your information with others. We consider careful handling of your data to be of great importance. Your data is therefore secured and processed by us with the utmost care. In our processing, we adhere to the requirements of privacy legislation. That means, among other things, that:

  • We clearly state the purposes for which we process personal data. We do this through this privacy statement;
  • We limit our collection of personal data to only the personal data necessary for legitimate purposes;
  • We first ask for explicit permission to process your personal data in cases where your permission is required;
  • We take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and also demand the same from parties that process personal data on our behalf;
  • We respect your right to view, download, correct or delete your personal data at your request.

We are responsible for data processing. In this privacy statement, We explain which personal data We collect and use and for what purpose. We recommend that you read it carefully.

What are the legal grounds for using your data

According to privacy legislation, we must say what ‘legal grounds’ we have to use your data. We need information from you because of the contractual agreements between you and Looplabb B.V., such as your purchase of a product or your right to a warranty. This is the case with:

  • Orders
  • Delivery
  • Return, Exchange & Repair
  • Contact our customer service

In addition, we can use your data for ‘legitimate interest’. This means that we want to provide all our customers with the most optimal and personal service. We always think of your privacy. This is true for:

  • Reviews & Customer satisfaction survey
  • Contact our customer service
  • Visit our stores and website
  • Account
  • Newsletter & E-mail
  • Personal advice
  • Actions
  • Social media
  • Security & cameras

We may also have a legal obligation to use your information, for example if we suspect fraud. And sometimes you have given us permission to use your data, such as when you sign up for the newsletter. We will of course keep track of this and you also have the option to unsubscribe in every e-mail.

Who is responsible for your data

We are responsible for your data, hereby our data:

Gooimeer 3-2

1411 DC Naarden
T. 020-7239633

Chamber of Commerce: 76615464
VATNR: NL860703836B01

Who has access to your data

We only pass on your data to other parties if this is really necessary for our services. This concerns these parties: delivery partners, suppliers or repairers, product support, payment partners, IT service providers and parties that collect our reviews. Our delivery partners naturally need your details to deliver your order to the correct address. Parties such as data management platforms, media and advertising agencies and research agencies come into play as soon as we want to give you personal advice or show targeted advertisements, for example based on your interest in certain products. In suspicious situations, we are obliged to share customer data with government agencies. The parties that receive access to your data from us may only use it to provide you with a service on our behalf (Looplabb B.V.). Unless they themselves are responsible for obtaining and protecting your data. Some cookie developers have access to the data that cookies collect on our website. You can read more about this in our cookie policy and the privacy policy of these parties. We never sell your data to third parties.

Where is your data stored

We store your data in various databases. We always use strict security measures. That is why your data is almost always stored within the European Union. In the exceptional case that customer data is transferred to countries outside the European Union, we ensure that your privacy remains adequately protected. This has been officially established for a number of countries. Some American parties have registered under the Privacy Shield, which offers sufficient protection. Or we work with official contracts that have been specially drawn up to guarantee your privacy.

How long will your data be kept

We do not store and use your data longer than necessary. We will then delete all data we have from you. Or we use your data anonymously, because we need certain data for internal analyzes and reports, such as the value of your order.

Below you will find the retention periods:

  • We store order data, including name, address, postal code, place of residence, telephone number, ordered products, invoice and payment data, without limit, because we use this data for analysis and handling of e.g. warranty. Of course you always have the right to change or view the data or to have it removed / anonymized by us.
  • If you order your product from Looplabb B.V. repaired or replaced, we will retain your Warranty Application and contact details. After that, we will only use your data anonymously for internal reports.
  • If you have registered for the newsletter or have given permission to receive personalized messages, we will save that permission. Even if you decide at some point that you no longer wish to receive the newsletter or personalized messages, we will save the withdrawal of your request. There is an unsubscribe link in every newsletter.
  • We store data that we use to prevent fraud indefinitely.
What rights do you have?

Of course you remain in control of your data. Would you like to inspect your personal data and receive a copy? Or do you want to change your data, delete it, limit the use or adjust your e-mail preferences? No problem. You can do this yourself in your Looplabb B.V. account. Or you let us know by post or e-mail. In this way you can also object to the use of your data for marketing purposes or indicate that you think that your privacy outweighs our interest. In that case, we will review the situation.

A question or a complaint?

For questions or complaints about your data and the protection of your privacy, please contact Looplabb B.V.

Written: Marnixstraat 285A, 1015 WL, Amsterdam o.v.v. AVG

Of course we are happy to help you if you have complaints about the processing of your personal data. Pursuant to privacy legislation, you also have the right to submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority against this processing of personal data. You can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority for this.

Use of personal data

When using our webshop, we obtain certain information from you. We only store and use the personal data that is provided directly by you, in the context of the service you request, or of which it is clear that it is provided to us for processing.

We use the following data for the purposes stated in this privacy statement:

  • Name address place of residence
  • Phone number
  • Billing address
  • Delivery address
  • Work address
  • Collection address
  • E-mail address
  • Payment details
  • Sex
  • Date of birth
  • IP address

Certain parts of our webshop require you to register first. After registration, we store the personal data you provide. We save this page information so that you do not have to fill it in every time and so that we can contact you in the context of the execution of the agreement for the delivery of goods or services.

We will not provide the data linked to your username to third parties, unless this is necessary in the context of the implementation of the agreement that you conclude with us or if this is required by law. In case of a suspicion of fraud or misuse of our webshop, we can hand over personal data to the competent authorities.

Process order

When you place an order with us, we use your personal data for processing. If necessary for proper order processing, we can also provide your personal data to third parties. You can read more about this later in this privacy statement.


In addition to the information on our website, we can also inform you about our new products and services by post, e-mail or via social media if you have given permission for this.

We offer a newsletter with which we want to inform interested parties about our products and/or services. Every newsletter contains a link with which you can unsubscribe. Your e-mail address will only be added to the list of subscribers with your permission.


We never publish your customer data.

Provision to third parties

We may pass on your data to our partners. These partners are involved in the implementation of the agreement. We have strict agreements with them to comply with European privacy rules. Social media buttons are included in our webshop. With this, the administrators of these services collect your personal data.


Our webshop uses cookies. Cookies are also placed via third parties engaged by us. When you visit our webshop for the first time, a notice is displayed in which we explain why we use cookies. We regard your further use of our webshop as permission for this use of cookies. You are free to disable cookies through your browser. Keep in mind that our website may no longer work optimally.

We have made agreements with third parties that place cookies about the use of cookies and applications and the same EU regulations regarding privacy apply to them. However, we do not have full control over what the providers of these applications themselves do with the cookies when they read them.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to keep track of how visitors use our webshop. We have concluded a processing agreement with Google to make agreements about how we handle our data. Furthermore, we have not allowed Google to use the obtained Analytics information for other Google services. Finally, we anonymize the IP addresses.


We take security measures to limit misuse of and unauthorized access to personal data. Retention periods The personal data described above will be retained for as long as necessary to process your orders, including warranty. After that, We store data for a maximum of one year for the statistical purposes described. The data will then be deleted, unless there is a legal obligation that requires longer storage (such as the seven-year fiscal retention obligation for payment data).

Changes to this privacy statement

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy statement. It is recommended that you consult this privacy statement regularly so that you are aware of these changes.

View and change your data

For questions about our privacy policy or questions about access to and changes to (or deletion of) your personal data, you can contact us at any time using the details below.

You can also send a request to view, change or delete this data via the webshop or us. You can also submit a request to request a data export for data that we use with your permission, or state with reasons that you want us to limit the processing of personal data.

To prevent misuse, we may ask you to identify yourself adequately. When it comes to access to personal data linked to a cookie, you must also send a copy of the cookie in question. You can find this in the settings of your browser. If the data is incorrect, you can request us to change the data or have it removed.

Amsterdam, 2024